
Habits and Humor Podcast

The Habits and Humor podcast is where personal development meets uplift through humor. Join my guests and I as we share hilarious embarrassing personal stories and discuss the lessons we can all learn from them, and walk away with simple steps you can take to make things happen in your life right here, right now! Come for a laugh and stay for a valuable life lesson about how you can turn disaster into development and failure into fortune. Progress shouldn't feel heavy, overwhelming or hard. It should be simple, empowering, and fun. If you want more from life but feel stuck, overwhlelmed, or afraid, this is your show. My guests and I will show you how to own your story and use it to create an amazing life. Check out the show trailer:

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Expand your reach by being a show guest or sponsoring an episode. Guests get a free sponsor spot. If you've got a funny story and a life lesson you've learned from it, you might be a candidate for the show! If you've got a product or service that makes people happy, you might be a candidate to be a sponsor. Fill out this form to apply to be a guest.


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